Peachtree Recovery Solutions

How To Stop Heart Palpitations from Adderall

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Adderall is a stimulant that can significantly impact your body—especially your heart. One common side effect for people taking Adderall is experiencing heart palpitations, which are sensations of a racing, pounding, or irregular heartbeat. If you’re experiencing heart palpitations from adderall, it can be uncomfortable or even alarming and cause unwanted anxiety. In this blog, we’ll explore why Adderall affects your heart and how to manage heart palpitations safely.

Adderall and The Heart

Adderall works by stimulating the central nervous system, increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters that help improve focus and attention. The same mechanism that enhances concentration can also elevate your heart rate and blood pressure.

For some, this leads to uncomfortable heart palpitations. While mild palpitations may not be cause for alarm, persistent or severe palpitations could indicate that your body is struggling to handle the stimulant effects of the drug.

Managing Heart Palpitations from Adderall

If you experience heart palpitations while taking Adderall, there are several strategies you can implement to reduce their frequency and severity of your heart palpitations.

Reduce Stress

Stress can worsen heart palpitations, especially when combined with stimulants like Adderall. Engaging in regular stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or even taking short breaks throughout the day can help calm your nervous system. By keeping stress in check, you may notice a reduction in palpitations.

Avoid Other Stimulants

Caffeine, nicotine, and even certain energy drinks or supplements can compound the stimulant effects of Adderall, making heart palpitations more likely. Limiting or eliminating your intake of these substances can help minimize overstimulation of your heart.

Practice Meditation

Mindfulness meditation and similar techniques can lower your heart rate and reduce feelings of anxiety, both of which are key to managing heart palpitations. Regular meditation not only helps control stress but also trains your body to react more calmly in high-pressure situations.

Treatment for Adderall Abuse

If heart palpitations persist or if you’re using Adderall in a way that is not prescribed, this could signal a larger problem—such as Adderall abuse. It’s important to seek professional help if your Adderall use is negatively affecting your health or well-being. Several Adderall addiction treatment options are available to support recovery:


For individuals struggling with Adderall dependence, medically supervised detox is the first step. During detox, the drug is safely eliminated from your system under the care our team who can help manage withdrawal symptoms, including heart palpitations.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient rehab offers a structured environment where individuals can focus entirely on their recovery. Here, medical teams provide comprehensive care, including managing the physical and psychological effects of stimulant abuse. Heart health is closely monitored during this phase to ensure your body is recovering safely.

Outpatient Treatment

For those who need flexibility while receiving treatment, outpatient programs provide ongoing support without requiring a full-time stay. Outpatient care like Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programming allows individuals to attend therapy sessions and receive medical care while maintaining their daily responsibilities.

Find Help For Addiction Today

If you or someone you know is experiencing heart palpitations or other side effects from Adderall, it’s essential to address these symptoms early. Whether it’s managing stress, making lifestyle changes, or seeking professional treatment for Adderall abuse, there are effective steps you can take to protect your health. At Peachtree Recovery Solutions, our addiction treatment programs in Atlanta are designed to help you safely overcome the challenges associated with Adderall use.

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