Peachtree Recovery Solutions

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in Atlanta, Georgia

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Cocaine addiction can have a devastating effect on a person’s health and well-being. The many potential negative effects of cocaine abuse include addiction, overdose, and death. But cocaine addiction is a treatable condition. At Peachtree Recovery Solutions, our cocaine addiction treatment in Atlanta can help you create a new life for yourself. When you get the help you need, you can live the healthier life you deserve.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Peachtree Recovery Solutions is an industry leader in outpatient substance abuse treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

What to Expect During Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Atlanta

At Peachtree Recovery Solutions, we address each person’s unique needs, and we help them achieve their individual treatment goals. This means that everyone’s experience at our cocaine addiction treatment center in Atlanta is a bit different.

In general, though, when you choose our treatment center for cocaine addiction, you can expect the following features and benefits:

The best approach to cocaine treatment involves treatment programming that is offered at Peachtree Recovery Solutions including Partial Hospitalization Programming and Intensive Outpatient Programming, and evening IOP. We use a variety of talk therapy, experiential therapy, holistic therapy, and medication management. Since the effects of cocaine addiction can be so complex, treatment needs to incorporate a number of different modalities.

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Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

Someone who has become addicted to cocaine may exhibit the following signs and symptoms:
Cocaine addiction is characterized by a loss of control. Also, once someone has become addicted to cocaine, they can lose the ability to control how often they use the drug or how much of it they use. Other signs of cocaine addiction include the following:
Someone who exhibits the signs listed above may be in grave danger. Hence the need to consult with our cocaine addiction treatment in Atlanta that can assess their needs and recommend appropriate cocaine addiction treatment options.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Cocaine Addiction Treatment?

At our cocaine addiction treatment center in Atlanta, we make all admissions decisions on an individual basis. We thoroughly assess each person’s needs to make sure our facility is the right place for them.
In general, people who meet the following criteria may be ideal candidates for our programming:
If you meet these general criteria, or if you know someone who does, contact Peachtree Recovery Solutions today. With our help, you or your loved one can achieve long-term recovery from cocaine addiction.

Long-Term Health Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine use is associated with a variety of immediate and long-term health effects. Using cocaine even once can be extremely dangerous, even deadly. The longer a person continues to abuse this drug, the greater their risk for significant damage becomes.
The potential long-term health effects of cocaine abuse include the following:
These effects can be avoided by entering a cocaine addiction treatment program in Atlanta. While you’re in treatment, you will be safe from incurring additional damage. During treatment, you can also begin to heal from any harm that you’ve already experienced as a result of past cocaine use.

Cocaine Detox and Withdrawal Timeline

The distress of cocaine withdrawal can prevent a person from ending their use of this dangerous drug. This is why detoxification, or detox, can be such a valuable part of cocaine addiction treatment.

Detox is a highly supervised short-term program that helps people get through cocaine withdrawal safely and with as little discomfort as possible. The professionals who staff detox programs are familiar with all aspects of cocaine withdrawal, including the typical timeline.

While cocaine withdrawal symptoms may be felt for several months, cocaine detox programs typically last for three to five days, when the most intense symptoms are present. After completing detox, a person can then transfer into the next phase of their cocaine addiction treatment, where they can learn how to build a foundation for successful, long-term recovery.

Begin Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

Peachtree Recovery Solutions is a trusted provider of personalized cocaine addiction treatment in Atlanta. Our center offers an array of evidence-based services at multiple levels of care. If you or another adult in your life have been struggling with cocaine addiction, the Peachtree Recovery Solutions team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more.

We Work With Most Major Insurance

Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our drug rehab in Atlanta.