Peachtree Recovery Solutions

Marijuana Addiction Treatment in Atlanta

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Marijuana addiction treatment in Atlanta can encompass a wide range of services that are designed to help a person end their marijuana use and achieve long-term recovery.

Marijuana is one of the most commonly used addictive substances in the U.S. and in many other nations. Some adults are able to use this substance safely in moderation, while others find themselves trapped in a downward spiral of compulsive marijuana abuse. For those in the latter group, marijuana addiction treatment offers a path to improved health and long-term recovery.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Peachtree Recovery Solutions is an industry leader in outpatient substance abuse treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

How Does Marijuana Addiction Treatment Work?

At Peachtree Recovery Solutions, our marijuana addiction treatment program provides multiple levels of care so individuals can still have structure in their lives but also have a sense of freedom to build a stable foundation.

Most experts define addiction as a chronic, progressive disease. This means that the goal of marijuana addiction treatment isn’t to cure the patient, but instead to teach them how to manage their urges and other symptoms. It also means that, in the absence of proper treatment, a person’s struggles with marijuana addiction are likely to worsen over time.

There is no single perfect type of marijuana addiction treatment that works for everyone. For example, some people need residential treatment, while others are best served by outpatient care. Certain therapies may be extremely effective for some patients, but less helpful for others. This is why a commitment to personalized care is important for providers who offer marijuana addiction treatment.

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Is Marijuana Addictive?

With marijuana now legal in many states, it can be tempting to believe that it poses no threat to users’ health and well-being. However, while marijuana may not be as dangerous as some other recreational substances, it is far from harmless. Contrary to a persistent myth, the potential dangers of marijuana abuse include the possibility of becoming addicted.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), experts estimate that 10%-30% of people who use marijuana may develop cannabis use disorder, which is the clinical term for marijuana addiction. The CDC also reports that the risk of marijuana addiction may be higher among people who begin to use this drug at a younger age.

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Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction

A person who experiences the following symptoms or exhibits the following signs may be in crisis, and could benefit from marijuana addiction treatment:

If you believe that you or someone you care about has become addicted to marijuana, the best first step is to give us a call now at (678) 325-7250

Our dedicated staff can answer your questions about marijuana addiction treatment and recommend options for care.

How Do We Treat Marijuana Addiction?

Marijuana addiction treatment at Peachtree Recovery Solutions is a highly personalized experience. Our team assesses the full scope of each patient’s needs, then develops the plan that will best prepare them for long-term success.

Based on the information that we gather during each patient’s intake assessment, we may recommend one or more of the following programming options:

We also offer gender-specific programs for men and women.

Depending on a variety of factors, including which program a patient is enrolled in and if they have a dual diagnosis disorder or mental health concerns, their marijuana addiction treatment at our center may involve therapies and services such as:

Before patients transition out of our care, we provide them with a detailed discharge plan to ensure they are connected with the aftercare services that will support their continued successful recovery.

What To Expect During Marijuana Addiction Treatment in Atlanta

Every person’s marijuana addiction treatment at Peachtree Recovery Solutions will be a bit different, depending on their unique needs, goals, and preferences. In general, though, everyone who receives care at our center can expect the following:

Begin Marijuana Addiction Treatment in Atlanta

Peachtree Recovery Solutions offers personalized outpatient care for adults who have been struggling with compulsive marijuana abuse and certain co-occurring mental health challenges. Our marijuana addiction treatment center in Atlanta, Georgia, is a safe space where patients receive personalized services from a team of highly skilled professionals.

If you or someone that you care about have become addicted to marijuana, the Peachtree Recovery Solutions team is here for you. To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Contact Us page or call us today.

We Work With Most Major Insurance

Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our drug rehab in Atlanta.