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a woman sits with hands on her face feeling defeated and showing signs of benzo abuse
signs of benzo abuse

5 Signs of Benzo Abuse

Benzodiazepines, or benzos for short, are prescription drugs used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. Benzos work by depressing the central nervous system and slowing down the heart rate and respiration. They can be very

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woman therapist explaining what are co-occurring disorders to her male patient
co-occurring disorders treatment georgia

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Many people with mental health disorders also often struggle with other conditions. People who struggle with both of these types of disorders are often diagnosed as having what is called “co-occurring disorders.” These disorders are

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man distraught while holding alcoholic drink showing signs of alcohol abuse
alcohol addiction symptoms

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Abuse?

At times in their lives, many people wonder if they’ve developed a dependency on alcohol. Recreational drinking may become a frantic compulsion. Suddenly, you can’t function without reaching for the bottle. Signs of alcohol abuse

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how to prepare for outpatient treatment
how to prepare for outpatient treatment

How to Prepare for Outpatient Treatment

Many who’ve completed an inpatient program are now wondering how to prepare for an outpatient program, hoping to keep their recovery on track. Others facing addiction may be curious whether an outpatient addiction treatment program

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